Fundraising Ideas

Here’s a few fundraising ideas to inspire you!

Get your office involved in Toonies for Ta Ta’s.

Hold an Office Casual Day with proceeds going to On The Front Line Society (breast cancer fund)

Host a Flea/Garage Sale. Know all that stuff that’s been hanging out in your garage…in your attic…in your basement? Gather it up, and ask your friends to do the same. Put it in your front yard and sell, sell, sell! Make sure to advertise that proceeds from all sales will go to On The Front Line Society (breast cancer fund) to motivate people to buy, buy, buy!

Have a Bake Sale! Create your own homemade goodies and invite employees at your workplace to make a donation in return for your mid-morning snack. Or bake up a storm and hold a bake sale in conjunction with your garage sale. It’s a fact that people will buy more stuff on an empty stomach!

Organize an e-Bay Auction. Collect sought after items to sell on e-Bay. Be sure to advertise that proceeds will come to On The Front Line Society (breast cancer fund) to motivate people to bid!

Donate your lunch. Schedule a monthly potluck lunch at your office and request that everyone bring a dish. Then, collect the money everyone would have spent on eating out that day and donate it to the cause!

Are you getting married? In lieu of wedding or shower gifts why not honour a survivor or commemorate a loved-one by making a donation to On The Front Line Society (breast cancer fund)

Shortest Tie Contest. Executives participate in an all-day contest to end the day with the shortest tie. Employees pay to cut an inch off their favourite executive's tie, or the ugliest or most ties, etc. Shop resale stores for ties!

Hold a Car Wash with proceeds to the cause.

Have a Bottle Drive. Collect recycling from home, friends and neighbours and return for donations!

Birthday/Special Occasion Gift Pledge - This is a very simple way to raise money and it’ll be a lot easier for your friends and family to write you a cheque instead of spending hours trying to shop for you!

“Extra” Change Box. Keep a jar near your door and every day put all your extra coins in it. It adds up! Or put it on your desk at work others will join you.

Organize a Sports Tournament (golf, baseball, basketball, etc) with participant fees being donated

Hold a Walk-a Thon (dance-a-thon, bike-a-thon or bowl-a-thon) with pledges going to On The Front Line Society (breast cancer fund)

Organize a Treasure Hunt. Participants pay to join in the fun, with proceeds to On The Front Line Society (breast cancer fund)

Titz'n Glitz

Funds raised though Titz'n Glitz events provide short term financial assistance to breast cancer patients in need. Titz'n Glitz does not fund research.

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Event Video

Titz'n Glitz does not allow gala events to be video taped or photographed with the exception of the our event photographer. However, in 2003, permission was gven to film the Gala event held in Halifax as part of a documentary. Below is a video piece reflecting the event at that time .

View Video


All funds received are used to benefit breast cancer patients in financial need within Nova Scotia. All donations to On The Front Line Society (breast cancer fund) are greatly appreciated.

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    (902) 857.1516
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